Time Clocks Give You More Return on Every Employee
By Allied Time Just about every company has a few things in common, no matter what they do or what industry they’re in. Amongst other things, one of the most important commonalities they all share is employees. Aside from s few exceptions, organizations depend on their employees each and every day. Without them, they couldn’t get anywhere close to meeting their goals. However, that’s not to say that employees are solutions in and of themselves. Unless you’re getting everything you need from them, you can’t expect that just hiring people will actually give you any real benefits. Companies have failed because they had plenty of employees and no idea what…
Ready for a New Career?
By Brand College Just about everyone these days has some level of understand as far as technology goes. It only makes sense that we would when you consider how big a role tech plays in our everyday lives. Whether it’s our personal computers, the ones we use at work, our smartphones or our tablets, we’re constantly surrounded by some type of technology. If it hasn’t already, though, this should give you some good ideas about your prospects in terms of careers. Poll after poll shows that most people just aren’t happy with their current position. It only makes sense, then, that you start thinking about how you could move along.…
Tracking Employee Time
By Allied Time There have never been so many options for tracking your company’s performance as are currently available. You have everything from high-tech analytical assessment to reporting to large-scale overviews. Whatever it is you need to do to get more from your company, it’s possible. The thing is, some of the most important ways to track your company’s output don’t need fancy names or huge price tags, despite the fact that they can produce amazing results. Something as simple as a time machine could hold the secret to helping your business produce better and better results. Go with a biometric time clock and you’ll really love what the little…
Software To Improve Efficiency In the Workplace
Written by Allied Time Making use of technology at work boosts the productivity of businesses and enables employees to focus on activities that add value to their work. Some productivity software are targeted towards businesses and provide organizations with the optimal tools in order to effectively perform their daily job. When some processes are automated and communication is eased up, productivity is enhanced. Connect Teams Virtually Instead of having teams assembled physically they can be connected virtually by using web portals or team sites. These portals enable employees to rapidly share projects and feedbacks from different branches and physical locations. Problem-solving and team collaboration is thus eased up. People are…
What Oligos Mean for Medical Research
Medical research is an expensive endeavor, and results can sometimes produce more questions than answers. Costs are also spread out over several months or years, the time it takes to conduct the test. It can be difficult to use live test subjects for a number of reasons, like the costs of having them come to the facility for testing. A synthetic nucleotide/polynucleotide can solve many of these challenges effectively. Precise Testing When a researcher wants to study how a disease reacts with certain chemicals, he or she needs a specific strand of DNA in bulk. This is far more efficient than waiting for live patients, especially in times of crisis…
Giving your employees an IT education
Written by Brand College You would be surprised as to how easy it is for you to actually give your employees proper training in IT courses. All you would need to do is look for Microsoft training Los Angeles or even Information Technology Training Los Angeles and you would find several hits that are completely relevant and competent as well. If you already have employees that have a computer science background or have taken IT courses before, these courses are perfect for them so you can update their skills and training to the current practices and standards that the industry has. This way, your network would remain completely secure and…
Improvements to Time and Attendance Systems
Written by: Allied Time The technology behind time and attendance systems has changed significantly over the years. Early clocks functioned much like a rotary phone, with later clocks using a card system to record punches. Today’s clocks are almost all digital. This is a huge benefit to employers and employees, who will deal with fewer incidents of time clock fraud and a much smoother process of tracking paid hours. Biomechanics Today, an electronic time clock can come outfitted with several features that help to cut down on fraud. It’s not uncommon to see clocks utilizing biomechanics to verify an employee clocking in. These systems scan fingerprints, and may have advanced…
How Downhole Transducers Work
Summary: Oil drilling is a complex operation, and without sensing pressure, it amounts to guess work at best. In order to extract oil and natural gas from the ground, engineers need to drill deep into the earth. In the olden days, a great bar was lifted into the air and struck forcefully into the ground. This is where a down-hole transducer comes in handy. A lot of time and effort goes into prospecting for oil, and finding a field that produces can be a costly endeavor. Plus, fields that have oil don’t necessarily have it by the barrel full. When engineers find an area that they suspect to be oil-rich,…
Online Time Tracking Is the Future
By Allied Time Time tracking is as important a feature for companies as ever. So long as a business runs with employees, time tracking methods are necessary to ensure that this important resource is reaching its potential. Without time tracking methods, however, this is simply impossible. Like so many things in the digital age, the best options all exist online. With online time tracking options, companies are not just able to track their employees, they have by far the best way for storing this important data too and aggregating it in an efficient way that lets them run reports at will. So companies that just use physical time tracking methods…
The Uses for a Near Space Balloon
The French balloonist Jean-Pierre Blanchard set off on a record breaking journey from Paris in 1785. He brought his assistant John Jeffries onto a balloon that carried the pair high into the sky. Unfortunately, the balloon soon lost its lift and was in danger of crashing into the English Channel. They managed to lighten the load and save themselves, but today’s scientists use a much safer way to monitor the skies. A high altitude balloon lets meteorologists and other experts document their observations from the safety of the ground. On any given year, more than 60,000 weather balloons will be launched in the name of science. Hobbyists launch them with…