What Oligos Mean for Medical Research
Medical research is an expensive endeavor, and results can sometimes produce more questions than answers. Costs are also spread out over several months or years, the time it takes to conduct the test. It can be difficult to use live test subjects for a number of reasons, like the costs of having them come to the facility for testing. A synthetic nucleotide/polynucleotide can solve many of these challenges effectively.
Precise Testing
When a researcher wants to study how a disease reacts with certain chemicals, he or she needs a specific strand of DNA in bulk. This is far more efficient than waiting for live patients, especially in times of crisis when there is a growing demand for vaccines. Poly c, for instance, is known to interact with macrophages and dendritic cells. As a result, it’s widely used in research involving the human immune system.
Bulk Availability and Costs
Not only is it difficult to find patients that exhibit the symptoms scientists want to test for, it can be expensive to provide a facility to perform the testing. It’s far easier to use oligos that exhibit the traits one needs for the research. Even polymers can be too expensive, and time consuming to produce, to make research feasible in all but certain circumstances.
Quality oligos also make a big difference on expensive projects. Oligos orders are the cheapest aspect of a project, but impure oligos can cause a substandard reaction. Reducing costs means getting the experiment right the first time.
Bio: The Midland Certified Reagent Company manufactures oligos used in scientific and medical research, such as poly I, poly dT, poly dC and poly dA oligos. To order oligos for your research institute, contact The Midland Certified Reagent Company online.